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Understanding Payment History Information

Address ID – Vendors who have multiple locations are assigned the same Vendor Customer Code, however each location has a unique Address ID. Payments are displayed by Address ID.

Back up Withholding – If a vendor is subject to backup withholding by the IRS the amount withheld is shown.

Check Amount – The dollar amount paid to the vendor for the Payment Number Listed. If a vendor is being paid by multiple departments for multiple invoices the Commonwealth will aggregate the multiple payments into a single check or EFT.

Contact Phone Number – If you selected to show your results as “Group by Department” a contact telephone number is displayed for each department Please use this number to contact the department with questions on a payment.

Contract Number – A Commonwealth contract reference number will display when a payment is made which references a contract.

Department – The name of the department to whom goods or services were provided.

Discount – If a vendor offers early payment discount, this represents the amount of the discount taken by the department for this payment.

Intercept Fee Amount – A fee amount up to $25.00 is assessed for each intercept transaction.

Intercepted Amount – Intercept is an automated program that matches delinquent debt owed by individuals or businesses to payments being made by the Commonwealth. If an intercepted amount is showing on your payment information, you should contact the intercepting department at the phone number listed on your payment.

Line Amount – The line lists out the dollar amount paid to a vendor for each accounting line on a payment document. Departments may add multiple lines to a single payment to identify different type of goods or services being paid on a single invoice.

Payment Date – The Payment date is derived as follows:

  • The scheduled payment date that appears in the Scheduled Payment Section of VendorWeb is the day payment requests are transmitted to the Treasurer.
  • Actual payment date is one business day after scheduled payment date. This is the date that the EFT funds are transmitted to your bank and checks are postmarked.
  • EFT funds will be available to the vendor 2 business days after the scheduled date and one business day after the actual payment date that appears in VendorWeb.

Payment Number – The Payment number is the unique number that has been assigned to this payment by the Treasury. This is the Commonwealth check number or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for electronic payment number. Vendors should refer to this number when contacting a department to discuss a payment.

Payment Reference Number – This is the vendors invoice number, or a number assigned by the department to assist the vendor in identifying the invoice being paid.

Total Amount – The total amount represents all department payments less any discounts, contract retainage, delinquent debt owed to the Commonwealth or other deductions, which may be applied to your payment. It is the amount of your EFT or check sent by Treasury.

Display Options – You may choose to display financial transactions from an individual department, a self-selected group, or all departments (the default).

You then further refine your display criteria by either selecting from the drop down list of date ranges or entering your own date range using the mm/dd/yyyy format. The default date range is the past 15 (calendar) days.

Interpreting the Results – Each line displayed on the Payment History results page represents an accounting line within a transaction, while each line on the Scheduled Payment results page represents an entire transaction of one or more accounting lines.

Each accounting line generally corresponds to a line from a vendor’s invoice and each transaction generally corresponds to a vendor’s invoice; therefore, on the Payment History results page, you may have multiple payments with the same Payment Date, Payment Number, and Payment Reference Number.

Since the Commonwealth processes each payment by accounting lines, one invoice may be paid by more than one check/electronic fund transfer. In this instance, you will have multiple payments with the same Payment Reference Number. Be sure to verify this by comparing your invoices to the Payment Reference Number.

In most instances, the Payment Reference Number is equal to or includes the invoice number as submitted by a vendor.

NOTE: When choosing Payment History grouped by Payment AND for either Current OR Previous Fiscal Year, the total payment amount will ONLY reflect payments that were obligated and paid for in the selected fiscal year.

Certain financial transactions processed through MMARS do NOT result in a vendor payment but are still considered expenditure transaction adjustments. They are displayed in Payment History. If you wish to view them, choose Group by Department. They will be displayed but the Payment Number field is blank as no funds were transferred to you.

Grouping by Department Notes Payments are displayed by date, oldest first. The accounting lines for the departments you select are listed in alphabetic order by Department, then by Payment Date, with the oldest transaction first.

Grouping by Payment Notes Payments are displayed by date; oldest first. If you display financial transactions by selected departments and Group by Payment, ONLY the accounting lines for transactions from your selected departments are displayed for each payment.

If you chose All Departments and Group by Payment, the Results page contains all accounting lines along with the total amount of the payment. NOTE: This is the ONLY display combination that will give you payment totals.