HOW TO USE VendorWeb
Welcome to VendorWeb - the application through
which vendors may view their payment transactions with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts!
For the latest instruction on using Vendor Web, please download how-to-use-vendorweb.pdf.
Logging in to VendorWeb
- Enter your 12 character vendor code. This code should begin with the letters "VC" If you do not know your vendor code, contact the department you do business with.
- Enter the last four digits of your TIN (Tax Identification Number). This is the number you provided to the Commonwealth on the W-9 form when you first became a vendor. This is either a Social Security Number (SSN), or an Employer Identification Number (EIN).
- Press "Login".
Viewing Scheduled Payments
- Click on Scheduled Payments on the left side of the screen.
- Click on Search Now button
- Pick the department you wish to search for payments. To pick more than one department, hold down the “Ctrl” key and select. To search all departments, select All Departments.
- Click on Search by Department
- The Scheduled Payments screen will show all scheduled payments for the selected department(s), and identify Address ID, Department, Document ID, Payment Reference Number, Description, Scheduled Payment Date, and Amount.
- It is important to note the following when viewing this information.
- Scheduled Payment date is the date the Comptrollers Office sends the payment to the treasurer for payment.
- Actual payment date is one business day after scheduled payment date. This is the date that the EFT funds are transmitted to your bank and checks are postmarked. EFT funds will e available to the vendor 2 business days after the scheduled payment date.
- The total amount may be different in Payment History as any discounts, contract retainage, delinquent debt owed to the Commonwealth or other deductions may be applied to your payment. Actual amounts are listed in the Payment History section of VendorWeb.
Viewing Payment History
- Click on Payment History on the left side of the screen.
- Click on Search Now button
- Click the department you wish to search for payments. To pick more than one department, hold down the “Ctrl” key and select.
To search all departments, select All Departments.
- Click on Search by Department
- Pick a date range from the dropdown box, or enter your own specific date range (mm/dd/yyyy).
- Select whether you want payments grouped by department or listed by payment number (chronological order).
- If you are reconciling an EFT payment, choose group by payment number. To display payment totals,.select All Departments.
- If you would like the payment history downloaded onto your PC’s spreadsheet application, select Yes.
- Click on Search
- The Payment History screen will show all payments made in the selected time frame. Payment Number, Payment
Date, Payment Reference Number, Contract Number, individual line amount, check amount as well as any discounts, contract
retainage, delinquent debt owed to the Commonwealth or other deductions, which may be are identified.
To see payment totals, select All Departments and Group by Payment.
If you should have additional questions on VendorWeb, please contact the department you do business with or the
Comptrollers Help Desk at 617-973-2468.